My Dadda is not a regular 2Foot, he is a 4Wheel kind of a 2Foot! The one thing that he and I have in common are our disabilities, or our ‘different abilities’ as we like to call them. We also share a ‘life is what you choose to make it’ attitude! I was born with my disability so I really do not know any different. Dadda spent the first 20 years of his life being ‘able’ bodied and then 23 years ago today his life changed beyond all recognition.
Dadda made some poor choices which involved him in a one vehicle accident on a cold winters night back in 1993. The accident caused him to be ejected from the vehicle and left him paralyzed from the chest down. It wasn’t just Dadda that went out of the window that night, his independence did too. What he did not loose was his determination to continue to make the best of the life that he now had.
Dadda and I have chatted about this quite a lot. I asked him if he had any regrets or wished he had made different choices that night. Surprisingly, his answer was ‘No!!!’ Dadda explained that life is about choices and consequences, and that there are usually valuable lessons to be learned from the consequences we are faced with. Sometimes, when our life path changes it is to teach us a lesson that we need to learn, for whatever reason. Initially, that new life path may seem like a direction that you do not wish to be taking but the reality is that it can be taking you on a journey to something more meaningful. Life is what you choose to make it!!
Dadda told me that if he had not made the choices that he had made that night he may not be sitting here with me now. He would not have met Mumma because he would have still been doing the thing he loved most at the time, farming. He probably never would have even considered having a computer and that would have meant that he would not have met my Mumma on Facebook! Wowzers…..holy cat fish!! If Mumma hadn’t met Dadda, she would not have been in America to adopt me!! My life would be very different! That could be a catastrophe!!
When you look at things with a different purr-spective they can look very different! Thankfully, Dadda has a great out look on things. He is grateful for his accident and the lessons it taught him. Many of them were very hard lessons but he still holds that gratitude for his experiences. Those lesson have made him the person he is today and has given him the wonderful gift of using his experiences to help others! He would not have been able to do this if he was still ‘back on the farm!’
You see kitties, when life throws us challenges or wobbles we have a choice……we can either give up or we can get back up and try again!!! Which do you think Dadda and I choose to do? So, what ever wobbles you may be faced with today, get back up! Be an Inspurration!!! Because…life is what you choose to make it!
Tippy love and kisses.
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